The Association
is the institution representative of all the Silk
Industry since its origin and oversees the preservation
of its heritage, which also belongs to all members
It aims to
assist and support the protection and development
of the silk industry, promoting all which triggers
this to happen, in full cooperation with the Federation
of Silk Textile and its associate members such as el Gremio de Cinteros and the Asociación
Nacional de Fabricantes de Tules, Bordados y Encajes,
all who share a common office in the same building
of The Association.
It owns the
estate, historical, cultural and artistic life
of the silk industry. The head office and reception
room, with its considerable size and beauty, is
an ideal setting to host social and professional
events: Galas of the silk industry, congresses
of AIUFFASS and Eurocolor, awards ceremonies of
the New Design of Lace and Embroideries contest, Spanish
Intertextile Council Meeting seminars
and training courses, fashion shows, trend presentations
and formal sessions of the Royal Academy of Physicians
among others.