The Col•legi de l'Art Major de la Seda awards the Gold Medal which grants the title of Master of Honor to persons or organizations that have demonstrated prominence personally or professionally in promoting the aims of the Association and the Silk Industry. This is award is given at the same time of the feast of its patron Saint

Below are the following people who have received this title:

Cayetano Fabregas Rafart
Federico Bernades Alavedra
Manuel Balcells
Cardenal Narcís Jubany
Rafael Bel Font
Jose Pamias Corrons
Jordi Pujol Soley

Juan Torra-Balari Llavallol
Alfredo Molinas Bellido
Santiago Fisas Mulleras
Teresa Franco, Vda.Ortiz
Josep A. Pich-Aguilera Girona
Federico Sanfeliu Nogués
Tomás Batlló Umbert
Magí Borrell Portabella
Joan Roma Ferré

Masters of Honor  

This certificate is awarded to the collegiate members who have distinguished themselves by their outstanding dedication and service to the Association and Silk Industry.