Tortola Valencia, 1882-1955, was an internationally
recognized dancer. Her artistic career ran from
1908 until 1930. Since then and until her death,
she devoted her time to gathering information
on her artistic career and concentrating on her
The collection of lace that the dancer had gathered
over the years was acquired by the Major Art of
Silk Association which was placed in the
de'Arenys de Mar in 1992. It is a
collection of over 200 pieces of different styles
of lace that dancer had collected but also used
in her dance choreographies.
Since September 2011, El Museo de Arenys de Mar
has dedicated an exhibition to the dancer Carmen
Tórtola Valencia, specially to her collection
of lace owned by the Grand Art of Silk Association
which is on display at the el
Museo Marés de la Punta.